The 50th
September 13, 2010 - REUNION RECAP

The reunion week-end exceeded all attendance expections. There were over 230 at the Friday night mixer at the Bloomington Knights of Columbus with the majority being classmates. 60-70 met at the high school for a tour on Saturday morning and over 240 celebrated at the Minnesota Valley Country Club Saturday night.

It was a week-end of reconnection and reflection. While many of us have changed physically since graduation, the longer the night went on, the younger we got:) Judy Thomson Tucker and Darrell Bertelson took hundreds of pictures over the week-end and they will also be posted on this website. 

The climax of the program Saturday night was Cliff Warren leading everyone in the Richfield Spartan Fight Song assisted by former cheerleaders Judy Bartosh Lacher and Lois Qualley Halberg. For one of the last times, we were all again Richfield Spartans. It was great!


Please e-mail Darrell Bertelson dbertelson

  • if you have a change of address, phone or e-mail

  • If you know of a recent classmate death we should include in our memorial page.